
Friday 3 January 2014

Chromebooks....simple,easy,fast and No Nonsense!

Imagine....just imagine...that you turn on your laptop and within seconds,literally within seconds, you are connected, online and ready to go! You don't have to wait for the dozens of other programs and apps to load up before you can actually start using your laptop effectively... Even the idea is just simply awesome and i love it. It fascinates me.
No what is this idea all about?? Just one word.....Chromebooks!

Now there are many people who don't know what a chromebook is and how does it work. And these are the two things I am going to talk about in this editorial.
What is a chromebook?
Simply put a chromebook is a laptop running chrome operating system (chrome os). And that is chrome operating system, well lets just say, if you have ever used google chrome on your laptop or desktop, than thats just it... Thats your chrome os.
How does it work?
It works just the way Google chrome browser works. Simple isn't it.
So the next thing people ask is how is it different from a regular laptop...
The answer is simple and sometimes confusing to people. Let me explain both. Simple because chromebooks differ from regular laptops in that they are running on chrome browser. There is nothing else there, no windows, no windows apps or everything else you can install and use on a regular laptop. There is just chrome browser and that is your operating system. You turn on your chromebook, type in your google password and BAM you are online even before you know it and all set up and ready to go.
Now to the other thing, why is it confusing..... Well the best example I can give you is of myself. When I first heard about chromebook and chromeOS, i quickly rejected the idea because i thought what good can a laptop do me if the only thing i can use on it is chrome browser, right? As it turns out i as wrong, i was so so wrong... I was wrong because literally the only thing i use on my laptop is actually a chrome browser. Now guys i am no programmer or a developer. I am just a simple guys who likes to get online and open up some websites of my daily use and then i turn off my laptop. Then i thought why the heck do i need all these other things for if i never use them....ever. Many people never realise this that the only thing they use their laptops for is web browsing and nothing else. Now for those people a chromebook is perfect. Because they never use any other softwares and features the laptop comes loaded with and still they have to deal with them. Waiting for minutes for them to load and get ready and go. And thats where chromebooks nails it completely.
The other thing for which people simply reject chromebooks is that they cannot be used without an internet connection. I would like to ask them, how many times have they used their laptops without an active internet connection. Because i have a laptop and frankly my laptop is of no use to me if there is no wifi. And the impression that chromebooks are useless offline is absurd. Google have made many changes and brought offline support to many of its services like gmail, drive, google docs and many more. Even many independent developers are also including offline support to their webapps. You can do everything on a chromebook offline that you can on a regular laptop if provided you are a simple user and not a developer. You can watch videos, browse your pictures and even create documents and PowerPoint presentations if you want. Now i think this includes everything a normal user want from their laptops.
And what better way if you can do it fast enough and on simple and secure OS. 

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