
Wednesday 26 March 2014

Power to give! Try this fun new Android app from HTC.

Got some power? Feeling charitable?? Would like to give some power to others?? Well, worry not folks, I'm talking about the power of your Smartphone. HTC has released a new app: 'Power to give'
in the Play Store. Now, what does this app do? It transfers the extra computing power of your Smartphone to a research based grid, from where it can be utilized for some research projects, meant for greater good.

Confused?? Let me explain in a bit more detail here, this app basically requires four  things from your Smartphone in order to work. Download the app, connect your phone to a charger, connected to WIFI and turn off the screen. What happens next is that all the spare computing power of your phone which is not being used while your phone is being charged, is transferred to an online grid and served to scientists busy with research projects. You can also change its default settings from the preferences and choose from different sources of computing power to donate from such as wall charger, USB cable etc.

You can also choose the research project which you want your power to go to and there is a wide range to choose from, such as medical research in the fields of cures for cancer, AIDS, Alzheimers, Schistosoma and then there is Clean water project, research in climatic changes, ventures into space and the list goes on. These are the kind of projects which take too long to complete, but a little power from you can help them achieve their goals in a much shorter span of time. And, in a way you can help make this world a better place and be a part of something that can help humanity.

I think this is the easiest and the simplest way of giving a charity and feeling good about it, knowing that your Smartphone is not just charging, but also helping others and all you need to do is download the app and plug your phone to a charger. And, to be honest, we all or most of us put our phones to charge at night, our phones get charged within a couple of hours and all that extra energy is wasted. In this way we can utilize that extra, wasted energy in a better way.

There is one caveat though, this app is not compatible with every Smartphone out there, but if you own one of the latest or flagship phones of HTC, Samsung, Sony and Motorola then you should be good to go. You can get more information regarding this app from here and download it from the Play Store. I would recommend reading all the details of the app before downloading in order to understand well how it works and if your Smartphone supports it.

I've already downloaded this app folks and I'm a part of making a world a better place, it's your turn now and don't forget to share your experience with us and how you felt about it.

Links: Power to give,  Play Store

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